Balto KC pool session's 2024/25

Balto kayak club. K-leisure, Athy - Veure mapa
Diverses dates -
Organitzat per Balto kayak club

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we are back with a splash - pool sessions for winter 2024 / 2025 are booked and ready to roll.

There will be two sessions 5-6 pm & 6-7 pm. The first session is purely for Juniors and those seniors wanting to learn to roll, typically L1-2 skills paddlers. The plan is that the paddlers in the second session will help in the first session. The second session is for L3 ability and above paddlers to work independently on their own learning requirements.

Pool sessions will be DIY as in there is no instruction however with experienced members in the pool no doubt there will be help on hand.

Helmets are mandatory and must be worn at all times

Freestyler's should only attend the second session to train but are welcome to the first session to help and support other paddlers.

Session starts at 5:00pm but all paddlers must be at the pool for 4:30pm to unload and get changed in time. Second session starts at 6:00pm but paddlers must be at the pool not later than 5:45pm .The carpark closes strictly at 7:15 so getting out needs to be swift please.

These sessions are for members of Balto KC, but we welcome anyone that is a current member of Canoeing Ireland all we ask is that you contact us before your first booking and after that its a rolling agreement so book freely

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