The Shruggs at Bandon Folk Club

Bandon Town Hall. 81 North Main St - Veure mapa
28/03/2025 20:30 (GMT+01:00) Dublin
Organitzat per Creative Bandon

Compra les teves entrades


€ 18.00


€ 12.00
Preu final. Despeses de gestió incloses.
€ 0.00
€ 0.00

descripció de l'esdeveniment

Harmony-driven folk/pop duo The Shruggs, featuring James Downing and Kees Hendrickx, have been making waves on the Irish music scene with their signature blend of rich vocal harmonies and contemporary folk sensibilities.

With a string of well-received singles—including the viral hit West Cork and their latest release Last Call—they’ve earned praise from Hot Press as “a rising act to keep an eye on.” They’ve also shared the stage with The 4 Of Us, The Frank and Walters, Mark Geary, and Bagatelle.

For this special Bandon Folk Club performance, The Shruggs will be joined by their traditional musician friends, including All-Ireland Champion banjo player Rian McCarthy and acclaimed accordionist Michael Conroy, adding a rich trad influence to their signature sound.

Opening the night will be Daithí Collis and Eoin Ó Halpín, whose mix of trad, folk, and original songs delighted us when they opened for Ger Wolfe in April last year—one of the standout performances of the year. Their heartfelt delivery and seamless musicianship set the perfect tone for an unforgettable night of music.

What critics are saying:
“There’s an undoubted gift for strong melody present.” – Nialler9
“Fleet Foxes-like harmonies that are pitch-perfect.” – Remy’s Music & Film Blog
“Exuberance that will surely put a smile on even the sternest of faces.” – PureMzine

Known for their DIY ethos, The Shruggs collaborate with local and international musicians, bringing a unique energy to every performance. Don’t miss them live at Bandon Folk Club!

Grab your tickets now!

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