Glory Days - Bridge House Hotel Tullamore
5/10/2024 21:00
Event s glory days bridge house hotel oct5

Glory Days - Bridge House Hotel Tullamore

Organitzat per: Glory Days

Bridge House Hotel. The Bridge House Hotel Tullamore County Offaly Veure mapa Bridge House Hotel. The Bridge House Hotel Tullamore County Offaly 5/10/2024 21:00 (GMT+01:00) Dublin

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€ 25.00
Preu final. Despeses de gestió incloses.
€ 0.00
€ 0.00

Detall de l'esdeveniment

Glory Days - Born In The USA 40th Anniversary Tour

Celebrate the 40th anniversary of Bruce Springsteen's iconic album "Born In The USA" in style with Glory Days, Ireland's premier Springsteen tribute band. Join them for a special night where they’ll be performing the album live from start to finish. From the anthemic title track to the heartfelt ballads like "I'm on Fire," immerse yourself in the timeless sound of Springsteen's masterpiece like never before. You'll experience the passion, energy, and spirit that made "Born In The USA" a cultural landmark, all brought to life by these talented musicians. Get ready to sing along, dance, and relive the glory days of rock and roll with fellow Springsteen fans. Don't miss this unforgettable tribute to one of the greatest albums of all time – grab your tickets now and be part of the celebration with Glory Days!

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