Declan's Got Talent
10/11/2024 20:00
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Declan's Got Talent

Organitzat per: Gealach Gorm Theatre Group

Gealach Gorm Theatre. Kill Community Centre Veure mapa Gealach Gorm Theatre. Kill Community Centre 10/11/2024 20:00 (GMT+01:00) Dublin

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€ 15.00
Preu final. Despeses de gestió incloses.
€ 0.00
€ 0.00

Detall de l'esdeveniment

Declan lives on his own, but he is not alone. He wants to prove to himself and his constant companion that he has got what it takes. After years of suffering from a lack of confidence, he’s decided to “Go for it!”


Fight2Flight Theatre’s latest offering is Declan’s Got Talent: a new dark comedy for two actors by Peter Gowen. We see Declan trying to prepare for his upcoming audition on a talent show, but there is someone else there. And as Declan tries to silence this other voice we are dragged back into East Cork/West Waterford in the late Sixties. We follow Declan attempting to enter the Church, cope with his infatuations and watch him triumph over this negative friend.

The play is on tour for three weeks in the autumn and will be revived in January 2025 at Smock Alley as part of First Fortnight Festival 2025.

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