Emma Langford - Bandroom Lane Sessions

Finn's Folk Club. Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, E41 K294 - Veure mapa
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Emma Langford has become a firm feature of the Irish folk and songwriter scene. A globetrotting troubadour, Langford calls Limerick City in the South-West of Ireland home. Storytelling and wit sit at the heart of all she does; interweaving her live performances, and shining through her works. Langford’s is an inimitable, dreamy voice on the frontline of a new wave of Irish folk.

In 2017 Langford released Quiet Giant, the album that won her an RTÉ Folk Award for Best Emerging Artist and the Irish Post Music Award nomination for best Irish folk act. She was since twice nominated for Best Folk Singer, and once for Best Original Track at the RTÉ Folk Awards. She received the inaugural Dolores O’Riordan Bursary in 2019, the Music Network RESONATE residency in 2021, and an Arts Council Agility Award, to support continuing research and explorations into women in Irish history.

Emma wrote and independently released her second album, Sowing Acorns, in 2021, further paving the way for a bright and busy career. The bold choice to release this record at the height of a global pandemic paid dividends, and her sophomore record received huge international praise.

​With this record, the artist solidified her place in the hearts and minds of the nation as she climbed the charts with epic folk ballad Birdsong, collaborated with the RTÉ Concert Orchestra, and performed with Stockton’s Wing on RTÉ’s Ireland In Music which has been broadcast across the world to a huge global audience. She also joined the ranks of pandemic-inspired musical supergroup, Irish Women In Harmony.

Langford is on the road around Ireland, the US and Germany, collaborating with various international communities, and continuing her Arts Council-supported research around Irish women in myth and history.

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Over 18s



Great venue and class act
Finns is a great venue. Fantastic to have a local pub offering top notch talent. Emma is amazing live. Brilliant stage presence, acclaimed singer/songwriter. Feel privileged to have seen her in this intimate environment. Five star rating all round.
Jill Va assistir el 31/01/2025
Very talented and engaging. Great musicians and an enjoyable evening. I liked her politics and humour.
Ruth Smith Va assistir el 31/01/2025
Great venue, great gig
Emma & band were excellent. Their harmonies were beautiful and Emma's voice, hypnotic. The venue was cool & intimate. Definitely go & catch a gig here!!
Aileen Ryan Va assistir el 31/01/2025
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