Molly Vulpyne Band - Single Launch gig

The Thomas House. 86 Thomas St, Dublin, Ireland - Veure mapa
11/04/2025 19:30 (GMT+01:00) Dublin
Organitzat per Rotator

Compra les teves entrades

General Admission

€ 10.00

Record and General Admission

€ 20.00
Preu final. Despeses de gestió incloses.
€ 0.00
€ 0.00

descripció de l'esdeveniment

FOAD Musick is delighted to be launching the single "Hook" by the Molly VUlpyne Band in the Thomas House on April 11th 2025

The single, a split with London based Brazilian duo Yur MUm is being pressed on purple 7" vinyl and can be purchased along with the ticket (collect on the night) or purchased at the gig

Support on the night will be from Motion Sickness

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