Narrow Door Rec. presents: CLT DRP (UK) + Red Sun Alert + Terror Syndrome + Pawprints

Dali. 8 Lavitt's Quay, Cork, CO, Ireland - Veure mapa
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Organitzat per Narrow Door Records

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descripció de l'esdeveniment

After selling out their first Cork gig last May and joining the legendary Bob Vylan on their latest UK tour, The sensational electro-punk trio CLT DRP are set to be back in Cork taking over Dali on February 20th for an electrifying night of chaos and unforgettable energy. Known for their explosive live performances and genre-defying sound, this Brighton-based powerhouse is making waves across the music scene.

Supporting Acts:

Red Sun Alert: A high-energy post-hardcore outfit bringing raw emotion and intensity to the stage.

Terror Syndrome: Prepare for a sonic assault with their powerful riffs and unrelenting energy.

Pawpints: Electronic / Industrial / Punk Solo project from Dublin

Política d'accés

Strictly over 18s only




Class gig
CLT DRP are one of the best live acts anywhere at the moment, and Red Sun alert are brilliant.
Hobbit Va assistir el 20/02/2025
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