Taste of Bandon Feel Good Food Tour

Bandon - multiple stops . Bandon - Veure mapa
Diverses dates -
Organitzat per Taste of Bandon Festival

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Les dades de l'organitzador estan a l'apartat "Organitzat per".

descripció de l'esdeveniment

Don't miss out on an unforgettable culinary adventure with Lorna in Bandon! Savour five expertly crafted courses at five of the town's top venues, including The Crawford, Bayleaf, Matson' Wines, Poachers and Cracked.

Each stop features a handpicked dish that highlights the best of what each restaurant has to offer. With only 15 spots available, this exclusive event promises a dining experience like no other. Secure your place now - booking is essential!

Please note that the menu is pre-selected so dietary restrictions cannot be catered for on this tour. There is no vegan/vegetarian alternatives. If this is something you would be interested in the future please let us know and if sufficient interest we could organise a future event.

Política d'accés

En aquest cas el promotor no ha especificat la política d'accés a menors, si tens qualsevol dubte, t'animem et posis en contacte directament amb ell.


Would love to do this event again. The tour aspect and not knowing what the next dish would be made it really interesting and engaging. The group was small enough too so everyone chatted and mingled really well. Lorna ran the event perfectly. Couldn't fault any of it
Anna Roycroft Va assistir el 19/10/2024
Such fun and meeting so many lovely people over an amazing selection of great food. Fantastic to hear the passion of the chefs when they presented their selected dish to us... and the"Mon Pere" wine was an eye opener... Taste of a lot more, the Taste of Bandon Feel Good Food Tour. Thanks Lorna
Ingrid De Doncker Va assistir el 19/10/2024
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