Tree Lore - Myths & Music - Samhain Storytelling Fundraising Show
3/11/2024 11:00
Event s powertik

Tree Lore - Myths & Music - Samhain Storytelling Fundraising Show

Organitzat per: Gaelic Woodland Project

Powerscourt Estate. Powerscourt Estate, Enniskerry, Wicklow Veure mapa Powerscourt Estate. Powerscourt Estate, Enniskerry, Wicklow 3/11/2024 11:00 (GMT+01:00) Dublin

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€ 25.00

Child (U16)

€ 12.00
Preu final. Despeses de gestió incloses.
€ 0.00
€ 0.00

Detall de l'esdeveniment

To add some Samhain Celtic mysticism to the celebrations Candlelit Tales will host a special Samhain-themed storytelling fundraising show - “Tree Lore – Myths & Music”. This show will weave together the lore of trees to entertain the minds on Sunday morning with all ticket sales going toward the Gaelic Woodland Project. 

Candlelit Tales will host a special Samhain-themed Storytelling fundraising show on November 3rd to raise funds and awareness for the Gaelic Woodland Project. Samhain is the Irish for November, and although the festivities of Halloween will be over, the veil is open wide throughout the whole month, and magic of all sorts is afoot in many strange and eerie ways.

This island has been home to many who claimed it as their own and nestled in the stunning gardens and landscape of the Powerscourt grounds is a perfect stage to hear stories of our ancient woodlands, our native trees and the Irish resilience that has lasted the test of time.

Our woodlands need us more than ever. And collectively we can turn a tide against the ecological disasters at our door. But we must inspire each other to take that action. The Gaelic Woodland Project is determined to educate and inspire the people of the land to take that action together. On Sunday the 3rd of November, Candlelit Tales founding member Aron Hegarty will weave together the lore of trees to entertain the minds, enrich the spirits and enhance the GWP’s goal of bringing Ireland's Woodland back to its best.

Come for the music and story, stay for woodlands in autumnal glory.

More about Candlelit Tales:

Videos on YouTube

More on GWP:

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