Thank You for Hearing Me: Remebering Sinead O'Connor and the People of Palestine

The Cellar at Bandon Town Hall. 81 North Main St, Bandon - Karte ansehen
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We are absolutely delighted to share that our next event will take place on the 26th of July. We will be remembering the great Sinéad O'Connor on her one year anniversary with 100% proceeds from this gig going to Gaza. This event is brought about in partenership with @bandon4palestine! Please come out to support and to remember one hell of a woman for one hell of a cause! Artists to be announced shortly. BÍGÍ LINN.


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Absolutely loved this event amazing gem well worth checking out the treats that are in store for a fabulous intimate experience.
Mary Lonergan War dabei am 26/07/2024
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