'The Aftermath' Film By John Foley

The Gealach Gorm Theatre . The Gealach Gorm Theatre at Kill COmmunity Centre - Ver mapa
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Descripción del evento

Following on from 'The Dying Days' which followed the events leading to the death of General Liam Lynch Chief of Staff of the IRA in 1923 John returns with another historical film 'The Aftermath. This film explores the impact of the Civil War and its aftermath on those involved. Interviews from locals are supported by visual re-enactments of what took place during the conflict. Contributors share perspectives from different sides, along with their knowledge, their memories and the emotions passed down to them.

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A very sad little film. The sound was not great, but it looked a very emotional subject which is never talked about. John, your next film might look ar the Official and Provo split also full of sadness, and the splits between the Provos and subsequent factions. We need truth and reconciliation.
Valerie Doolan Asistió el 18.01.2025
Very well done. Lots of information we just couldn’t have known. So important to record this stuff before it disappears with the lives of those relatives whose family members gave them first hand memories of their experiences at the time. It helps to keep that period of history alive.
Chris Betts Asistió el 18.01.2025
Excellent very enjoyable
Sean Asistió el 18.01.2025
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