Season Tickets Autumn 2024 - Five for €75
24.10.2024 19:30
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Season Tickets Autumn 2024 - Five for €75

Organizado por: Waterford Music

Dr Mary Strangman Large Room. City Hall Ver mapa Dr Mary Strangman Large Room. City Hall 24.10.2024 19:30 (GMT+01:00) Dublin

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€ 75.00
Precio final. Gastos de gestión incluidos.
€ 0.00
€ 0.00

Detalle del evento

You can buy a season ticket for all of our autumn concerts here, except for our joint Irish Chamber Orchestra Concert with the Symphony Club of Waterford. This is our Five for €75 offer, and it gives you entry to the following five concerts. 

25 September - The Killian Browne Jazz Quartet

3 October - The Amatis Piano Trio

24 October - The Lir Quartet (in association with the National String Quartet Foundation)

7 November - Róisín O'Grady (soprano) and Billy O'Brien (piano)

27 November - Francisco Fullana (violin) and Alba Ventural (piano.) In association with Music Network. 

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