Delta Dogs Festive Season Bash

Pilgrimage Presents @ The Vic. 12 Queen's St, Tramore East, Tramore, Co. Waterford, X91 XR66 - Mapa ikusi
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Antolatzailea Pilgrimage Presents
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Get ready for a night of electrifying blues with Delta Dogs, the powerhouse band bringing the heart and soul of blues music to life. As the house band of choice, Delta Dogs commands a devoted following, drawing in audiences eager to experience the best of Delta and Chicago blues.

With a repertoire that pays homage to blues legends such as Elmore James, Muddy Waters, and Bo Diddley, as well as the fiery sounds of 60's revivalists like Clapton, Green, and Hendrix, Delta Dogs deliver a captivating blend of old-school authenticity and modern flair. Their stellar performances have graced renowned festivals including the Blackstairs Blues Festival, Howth Roots and Blues Festival, and the Summer in the City festival in their hometown of Waterford City.

Delta Dogs solidify their reputation as one of the top blues bands in Ireland with each show, leaving audiences spellbound with their raw talent and undeniable stage presence. For fans of the blues, Delta Dogs offer an unforgettable experience, channelling the spirit of blues icons while infusing their own unique style and energy into every performance. With the swagger of Texans like Freddie King, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Billy Gibbons, they bring a fresh perspective to the blues, ensuring their music resonates with both purists and newcomers alike.

Craving the soul-stirring sounds of authentic blues music? Look no further than Delta Dogs. With an ever-growing reputation, they promise to keep the blues alive and thriving, one electrifying performance at a time.

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