Tech Amergin. Tech Amergin, Waterville, Co. Kerry. V23 A243 - Mapa ikusi
2025/01/30 20:00 (GMT+01:00) Dublin
Antolatzailea Tech Amergin, Kerry ETB

Zure sarrerak erosi


€ 7.00
Prezio finala. Gestio gastuak barne.
€ 0.00
€ 0.00

Ekitaldiaren deskribapena

Housewife of the Year This Documentary tells the story of Ireland’s treatment of women through the prism of a unique, surreal, live-televised competition, that has to be seen to be believed. A generation of Irish women competed in front of a live audience for the title of “Housewife of the Year”.

The former contestants share their direct experiences of marriage bars, lack of contraception, Magdalene laundries, financial vulnerability, boredom and shame, and of course, of being contestants in the competition. It is a poignant, often hilarious, uplifting story of a resilient generation of women, and how they changed a country.

Sarbide politika

Kasu honetan antolatzaileak ez du zehaztu adingabekoen politikarik sarreran, zalantzarik izan ezkero zuzenean antolatzailearekin harremanetan jartzea gomendatzen dizugu.



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