Narrow Door Rec. presents: DÜRTBÜRD+ guests: Outsound / Misvanity / Blonde

Fred Zeppelins. 8 Parliament St, Centre, Cork, T12 E299 - Mapa ikusi
2025/04/5 20:30 (GMT+01:00) Dublin
Antolatzailea Narrow Door Records

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€ 10.50
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Narrow Door Rec. presents: DÜRTBÜRD+ guests: Outsound / Misvanity / Blonde

Dürtbürd is a four-piece progressive rock band from Leixlip, Ireland, known for their unique "dürtrock" sound. Formed in 2019, the band has gained recognition for their energetic live performances and self-released singles. Their music has received acclaim both nationally and across Europe, with tracks available on major streaming platforms like Spotify. 

In 2020, Dürtbürd released a live video and single titled "Priestiality," recorded individually by band members during the COVID-19 lockdown. This release was part of a series of live singles that have collectively garnered over 180,000 views on Facebook. 

On February 8, 2025, Dürtbürd held an album launch event for their release "Salad Dungeon" at Fibber Magees in Dublin, with support from the live looping dance-punk artist Death Milkshake.

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