Pebbledash at Bandon Folk Club

Bandon Town Hall. 81 North Main St - Mapa ikusi
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Antolatzailea Creative Bandon

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We’re taking a bold step with our next gig—in a departure for the Folk Club we welcome a 5 piece rock outfit to the stage! Pebbledash are one of Ireland's most talked about up and coming bands, blending shoegaze rock with a strong dash of traditional Irish music for a sound that’s fresh, fearless, and skilfully crafted.

Hot off the release of their acclaimed new EP, Four Portraits of the Same Ugly House, Pebbledash is turning heads both at home and abroad. Their single Killer Lover/Carraig Aonar has snagged Single of the Year awards across several radio shows. They’ve recently wowed audiences at showcase gigs like Whelan’s “Ones to Watch” and "We Are So Young" in London and are included on Spotify's Hot New Bands official playlist.

Featuring our very own Asha Egan McCutcheon, out from behind the sound desk. Don’t miss the chance to catch one of the hottest Irish bands on the rise, right here in Bandon!

Photo credit - Emilyn Cardona

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Very enjhoyable Night. Great Gig
Mike Mc Keon 2025/02/21 egunean joan zen
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