Raggs 'n' Gags
Event s thurles ragggg

Raggs 'n' Gags

Antolatzailea: Seomra Spraoi

Revel At The Ragg. Clehile Mapa ikusi Revel At The Ragg. Clehile

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Hi All. A comedy night filled with rising stars is coming to the Revel At The Ragg. This acclaimed bar will be a larger than life event as we plan to give a rural Tipperary a night filled with various styles of comedy, stories and just plain old craic. We're already looking forward to brining our show to you.

Line Up:

John Mulligan (MC)

Glenn Jeffries (O.S)

Evan O'Sullivan (O.S)

Cillian Mac Gabhann (O)

Paul O'Connor (M)

Sean Ryan (M)

Aisling Payne (M)

Conor O'Brien (M)

Rob Lambe (M)

Cathal Shanagher (M)


Thus, we say just book your tickets early and come on down. This will be a one night only event, but hopefully this will be a first of many nights here as we look forward to seeing you all there.  Ireland's leading travelling comedy club plans to keep going with the various audiences it meets along the way and the journey is an epic one for sure! It may be a long way to Tipperary, but not for our comedy!


€ 15 online

€ 20 at door 

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