The Parish
Event s the parish

The Parish

Antolatzailea: Gealach Gorm Theatre Group

The Gealach Gorm Theatre. The Gealach Gorm Theatre at Kill Community Centre Mapa ikusi The Gealach Gorm Theatre. The Gealach Gorm Theatre at Kill Community Centre

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Antolatzailearen datuak "Antolatzailea" eremuan daude.

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Two friends want a new life but upset the whole parish in the process.

The Parish is a hilarious light comedy in which two actors bring to life a range of characters that can be found in every rural community. Performed with minimal set and supported by a rich soundscape.


Michael Ryan is a professional freelancer in the Performing Arts. He is a performer, playwright and producer. He holds a degree in Drama & Theatre from UCC. He has performed in many professional roles on stage and screen.

Sean Kelleher is an accomplished actor and playwright. He has won multiple awards in the ADCI drama circuit including the Best Actor award in the 2016 All-Ireland One Act Drama festival.

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Kasu honetan antolatzaileak ez du zehaztu adingabekoen politikarik sarreran, zalantzarik izan ezkero zuzenean antolatzailearekin harremanetan jartzea gomendatzen dizugu.

Iritziak (4) 4 Iritziak

2024/07/13 egunean joan zen IRITZIA BALIOZTATUTA
Noreen Hassett
2024/07/13 egunean joan zen IRITZIA BALIOZTATUTA
We enjoyed The Parish immensely. Acting was brilliant. Had a great laugh
Marguerite Lavin
2024/07/13 egunean joan zen IRITZIA BALIOZTATUTA
Fantastic show - really enjoyable! Super talented performers. We had a ball!
S. Norris
2024/07/13 egunean joan zen IRITZIA BALIOZTATUTA
Good old fashioned comedy entertainment Excellent venue
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