2024/11/29 21:00
Event s stonecoldhobos powertik nov24 1


Antolatzailea: Pilgrimage Presents

Pilgrimage Presents @ The Vic. 12 Queen's St, Tramore East, Tramore, Co. Waterford, X91 XR66 Mapa ikusi Pilgrimage Presents @ The Vic. 12 Queen's St, Tramore East, Tramore, Co. Waterford, X91 XR66 2024/11/29 21:00 (GMT+01:00) Dublin

Aukeratu zure sarrerakZure sarrerak erosi


€ 15.00
Prezio finala. Gestio gastuak barne.
€ 0.00
€ 0.00

Gertaeraren xehetasuna

The Stonecold Hobos are a no-nonsense rhythm and blues band hailing from Drogheda, Ireland. Known for their gritty and powerful sound, they blend the raw energy of Led Zeppelin, the fiery spirit of Rory Gallagher, and the swagger of ZZ Top with a strong undercurrent of Muddy Waters' blues influence. Their live performances are packed with energy, featuring both original songs and fresh takes on forgotten blues classics.  Hence the reason they have featured at many of the top venues across Ireland including Arthurs Jazz & Blues club, McHughs Venue, Drogheda and The Blind Pig Speakeasy, Dublin as well as Howth Roots & Blues, Warrenpoint Blues on the Bay and The Rory Gallagher Tribute festival, so if you're looking for a night of electrifying blues, you know where to be in the wonderful venue we call The View, @The Vic, #Tramore #Waterford!

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