White Llama

Pilgrimage Presents @ The Vic. 12 Queen's St, Tramore East, Tramore, Co. Waterford, X91 XR66 - Mapa ikusi
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Antolatzailea Pilgrimage Presents
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Our first gig of 2025 will bring a night of extraordinary music as White Llama takes the stage at The View.  The brainchild of Christy O'Hanlon (of Crow Black Chicken) and joined by the immensely talented Jake O'Driscoll and Jack O'Hanlon (of God Alone), White Llama delivers a mesmerizing blend of blues-based music. Their sound weaves seamlessly between folky introspection, rocky energy, and soulful depth, ensuring that no two performances are ever the same.

This isn’t just music; it’s an experience—pensive, powerful, and wholly unique. As we continue to champion live music and emerging talent, we are proud to host White Llama for a performance that promises to bring a new and captivating dimension to the intimate venue upstairs in The Vic, Tramore.

Don’t miss your chance to witness this unforgettable evening of raw, authentic artistry!

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