›Dingle Folk Concerts

St James' Church. Main St, Grove, Dingle, Co. Kerry - Vedi mappa
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Organizzato da Dingle Folk Concerts

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Descrizione dell'evento

**Folk Concerts at St. James' Church, Dingle**

Experience the best of traditional Irish music with top musicians and singers in the stunning setting of St. James' Church. These concerts keep Irish culture vibrant and thriving, offering an unforgettable musical experience.

**Audience Reviews:**

“We enjoyed two hours of outstanding Irish folk music and storytelling. The lineup varies frequently, and details are available on the website. We heard vocals, fiddle, guitar, and Uilleann pipes from talented artists. Time flew by, and it was a fantastic experience for everyone, ages 7 to 77.”

“Don’t miss Eoin Duignan's Seasonal Concert Series at St. James' Church while in Dingle. He hosts incredible musicians, providing the chance to enjoy traditional Irish music in a beautiful setting. I can’t praise this series enough—it’s truly inspiring.”

**Check the Weekly Lineup**

Folk Concert Line-Up

Explore the diverse lineup for the next concert at St. James' Church, updated weekly.

**Concert Details:**

- Doors open at 7:15 pm

-The concert begins at 7:30 pm sharp

- For queries, call 087-2849656

- Children are welcome

A fantastic way to experience traditional Irish music outside the pubs, with a variety of instruments like guitar, violin, Irish pipes, and even a harp, along with insights into music history.

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