Lighthouse Dream Team BBQ

Camelot Studios. Powerstown Rd, D15 T6DD - Vedi mappa
Varie date -
Organizzato da Lighthouse Church

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I dettagli dell'organizzatore sono nella sezione "Organizzato da".

Descrizione dell'evento

We are so excited to celebrate the Lighthouse Dream Team with this special barbecue! 

- This is a FREE event.

- No need for you to bring anything except yourself and your hungry belly!

- Unfortunately, we're very sorry, but due to circumstances beyond our control, we cannot have children at the barbeque unless they are actively serving on the dream team. Thank you so much for understanding.

Politica di accesso

In questo caso il promotore non ha specificato la politica di accesso ai minori, per qualsiasi dubbio ti invitiamo a contattarlo direttamente.


A Team is always the best
Alexandru Steorobelea Ha partecipato il 7/09/2024
It was fun , empowering and motivating. It was wonderful and exciting to interact with the team. Many blessings to the leadership and organizers
Annia Ha partecipato il 7/09/2024
It was a blessed night where we met friends again and also learned about the new projects in which God counts on us.
Rosani De Goes Ha partecipato il 7/09/2024
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