Barry McGivern Band
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Barry McGivern Band

Organizado por: Pilgrimage Presents

Pilgrimage Presents @ The Vic. 12 Queen's St, Tramore East, Tramore, Co. Waterford, X91 XR66 Ver mapa Pilgrimage Presents @ The Vic. 12 Queen's St, Tramore East, Tramore, Co. Waterford, X91 XR66

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With 10 years on the road and over 300 gigs under their belt The Barry McGivern Band are one of Ireland’s biggest and best Rory Gallagher tribute acts.

Barry McGivern first saw the legendary Rory Gallagher performing with Taste on TV in 1969. It was to be the start of an enduring relationship.The Barry McGivern Band travel the length and breadth of the country playing Rory Gallagher’s music the way it should be played. They deliver an authentic Rory Gallagher performance that mimics their heroes passion, energy, technical and ‘pedal to the metal’ style. The band cover the full spectrum of Rory’s music from the early Taste era right through to the final line up.

Not many guitarists manage to get close to the brilliance of Rory Gallagher but Barry Mcgivern delivers the goods every time.

 “Simply, absolutely brilliant” – Donal Gallagher (Brother of Rory)

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