Drag Me To Brunch - Castlebar
27/09/2024 20:00
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Drag Me To Brunch - Castlebar

Organizado por: Elite Ents Ireland

Garbo's. Main St Ver mapa Garbo's. Main St 27/09/2024 20:00 (GMT+01:00) Dublin

Escolhe os teus bilhetesCompra os teus bilhetes

General Admission

€ 20.00
Preço final. Custos de gestão incluídos.
€ 0.00
€ 0.00


Bingo! Bubbles! Bants! .. Enjoy an evening with our queens, take part in some Bingo and relax with delicious cocktails and lots more

Welcome to Drag Me To Brunch Castlebar taking place in Garbo's

Featuring a cast of fabulous drag queens over a 2 hour duration we bring you Bingo! Bubbles! Bants

Starting off with a super fun and the most Irish game of them all ... Bingo. Lots of fun and prizes to be won

Included in our show is lots of costume changes, celebrity impersonations, parodies and lots more aswell as some fun games for the audience to enjoy and get their 15 seconds of shame.

The whole show is a lot of fun with plenty of comedy and chat included throughout.

PLEASE NOTE: ALL group booking MUST be under the one name to ensure the group is seated together. If they are booked under different names we cannot guarantee that everyone will get seated together. All ticket purchases are strictly non refundable

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