Drumology Drum Circle
24/10/2024 19:30
Event s drumming circle event  1

Drumology Drum Circle

Organizado por: Glory Days

Newtown Mount Kennedy Community Centre. Newtown Mount Kennedy Community Centre Ver mapa Newtown Mount Kennedy Community Centre. Newtown Mount Kennedy Community Centre 24/10/2024 19:30 (GMT+01:00) Dublin

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Newtown Mount Kennedy Drum Circle

€ 15.00

Newtown Mount Kennedy Drum Circle

€ 15.00
Preço final. Custos de gestão incluídos.
€ 0.00
€ 0.00


Join our Drumming Circle at Newtown Mount Kennedy Community Centre for an hour of positivity, energy, fun and creativity with our Drumologu class using the African Djembe drum creating rhythms with our drum expert and trainer Colin Heaney. Improve your coordination and cognitive skills playing along with others and feel the power of the rhythm. 

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