9am Junior Pool Session

Ballyshannon Leisure Centre. Ballyshannon Leisure Centre - Ver mapa
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Organizado por NortWest Canoe Club

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Descrição do evento

Please select the appropriate class for your child. Places are limited to a max of 3 weeks per junior club member. Booking will be monitored to ensure every member has equal opportunity to partake in the pool sessions. Junior sessions run for 45 minutes.

Due to the high cost of renting the pool, No Refunds are Available.

Group 1 - "Bumble" - 10 Spaces Available 9am to 9:45am

This group is aimed at beginners, with FUN being a big part of the activity. Instructors will encourage children to splash, fall in, crawl over boats, and spend as much time upside down as possible. Young paddlers will be encouraged to gain confidence in the boat, in the effort to progress them to wearing a Spraydeck. This piece of equipment resembles a skirt, and is used to keep water out of the boat when upside down. Mastering the Spraydeck is a key moment in a paddlers career. Paddlers must prove they can wear the Spraydeck and use it proficiently before moving up to next Group.

Group 2 - "Progressive Paddler" - 6 Spaces Available 9am to 9:45am

This group is for paddlers who has mastered the skill of wearing a Spraydeck. From here, paddlers will be introduced to concept of rescues and rolling. The Kayak Roll is the driving licence for young Kayakers. Once perfected, the young paddler will find kayaking with this agility will allow for more advanced river, surf and sea trip experiences available to them.

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