The Very Men in Concert

The Gealach Gorm Theatre . The Gealach Gorm Theatre at Kill COmmunity Centre - Ver mapa
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Descrição do evento

Delighted to have The Very Men back in The Gealach Gorm Theatre on Saturday January 25th at 8pm. Brian, John and Brendan will be joined for this performance by Ciarán Ó Gealbháin is a musician and singer from An Sean-Phobal, in the Waterford Gaeltacht. He has travelled extensively in the past with the Irish traditional music group, Danú, with whom he recorded two albums. He has a deep interest in the music and song of his native region and has won numerous prizes for his traditional singing, including Corn na bhFear at Oireachtas na Gaeilge 2012 and again in 2023. Awarded Amhránaí na Bliana, Gradaim Ceoil TG4 in 2001, he was recently awarded of the prestigious Gradam Shean-Nós Cois Life (2023). He has recorded both as a solo artist and with various ensembles over the years.  This is bound to be a sell out concert so early booking is advisable. This event supports Open Mental Health and Drug Awareness Conversation Seminars @ Kill Community Centre .

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Loved the Concert!!! Beautiful venue run by fabulous people!!! Lovely atmosphere & enjoyed the cup of tea & cake!!!
Richard Power Assistiu em 25/01/2025
Excellent, fantastic musicians, great stage presence and great interaction with audience.
Nuala Kirwan Assistiu em 25/01/2025
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