Tina “Simply the Best”

Parkview Hotel. Parkview Hotel - Ver mapa
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Organizado por Gemstroke Ltd

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Descrição do evento

Proud Mary and Her City Limits Band is an exhilarating tribute act that pays homage to the one and

only Tina Turner. With a high-energy performance, sensational vocals, and authentic recreations of

Tina's signature moves, this event promises to be an electrifying experience that captures the essence of

Tina herself.

What to Expect:

- An explosive live performance featuring Tina Turner's greatest hits, including "Proud Mary," "Nutbush

City Limits," "What's Love Got to Do with It," and more.

- Authentic costumes, choreography, and stage presence that will make you feel like you're witnessing

Tina Turner herself in her prime.

- A night of entertainment that will have you dancing, singing, and reminiscing about Tina's timeless


- A celebration of Tina Turner's music for fans of all ages.

Proud Mary and Her City Limits Band is led by the talented Amanda Lane, whose powerful vocals and

striking resemblance to Tina Turner will leave you in awe. Backed by a dynamic band and talented

backup dancers, this tribute act will bring Tina's music to life with an energy and passion that mirrors

the real Queen of Rock 'n' Roll.

Don't miss your chance to experience the magic of Tina Turner's music live on stage.

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